
Results found: 5440
Grant Vaughan - Designs in Wood

Grant Vaughan - Designs in Wood « furniture

(Clicks: 76;website added: Nov 4, 2013, furniture)

Based near Lismore on the north coast New South Wales, Australia, Grant Vaughan is a wood artist / sculptor, specialising in organic carved wooden art forms and furniture made from Australian timbers. He is available for exhibitions & commissions, and
Welcome to Furntech-AFRDI

Welcome to Furntech-AFRDI « furniture

(Clicks: 76;website added: Nov 4, 2013, furniture)

The Australasian Furnishing Research and Development Institute is an independent not-for-profit technical organisation providing standards, testing, product certification and research for buyers and sellers of furniture.

furntech afrdi furniture product product certification blue tick orange registered