
Results found: 224

Spellmasters « literacy

(Clicks: 70;website added: Oct 31, 2013, literacy)

Literacy in Australian schools is currently a vital concern in our society. The government, State and federal, the media, and the community at large see the need to refocus on the basics of literacy and numeracy in the teaching of Australia's youth. S

spelling spelling competition spellmasters australia australia eli shilo elit consulting
Playground Sounds - Home

Playground Sounds - Home « literacy

(Clicks: 67;website added: May 12, 2015, literacy)

Playground Sound is a spelling programme. However, the website is to give parents/care givers and educators free information/advice and strategies to use with children having learning difficulties, particularly dyslexia, in literacy….reading, handwri

particularly dyslexia in literacy… reading handwriting and spelling